Tahar Amine ELHOUARI

I am a Ethical Hacker

Tahar Amine ELHOUARI

Tahar Amine ELHOUARI, young Ethical Hacker who started hacking for fun since 2014. Penetration Tester, Security Consultant and Security Researcher whose qualifications include a CEH and a couple of certifications of appreciation from tech giants; detailed and practical knowledge of security and hacking tools, technologies and best practices in both offensive and defensive sides. Five Years (05) of experience in the information security industry.


My Professional Skills

Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment 95%
Red Teaming 90%
Social Engineering 85%
Cyber Security Awareness 80%
Cyber Security Teaching 80%
Cyber Security Research 70%
Public Speaking 85%

Penetration Test

An authorized simulated cyberattack on a computer system, network, infrastructure or a web application performed to evaluate the security of the system.

Vulnerability Assessment

The process of defining, identifying, classifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities in computer systems, web applications and network infrastructures.

Red Team Assessment

A long-term or continuous campaign-based assessment that emulates the target’s real-world adversaries to improve the quality of the corporate information security defenses, which—if one exists—would be the company’s blue team.

Social Engineering Assessment

Social Engineering is the art of hacking people to gain information or access. Since humans are so complex, and we all have good days and bad days, collectively; we are the weakest link.

Cyber Security Teaching and Awareness

If you are an individual looking to be mentored, or even an organization having a group of IT team to teach them cyber security or cyber awareness. Make sure to get in touch!

Public Speaking

You are organizing a cyber security event and calling for papers and speakers. I might be interested if you send me a mail or fill in the contact form!

completed assessments
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